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Best Life Lee

The Space Travelers Guide to God's Magic

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We are all on a spiritual journey, traveling through time and space.  What we think of as space is all that we cannot see with our physical eyes.  When we feel overwhelmed, we say, "Give me some space."  At times of change we say, "Let's make some space."  And during ceremonies we "clear the space."  The Space Traveler's Guide to God's Magic is a step-by-step manual for the spiritual being who wants to come to the forefront of the physical experience to enhance the journey with God's magic - the true source of all that we are.

In simple, easy-to-follow guidance, this short book will have long-lasting effects for living your best life.


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Hi I'm Lisa and this is my website, Best Life Lee.  I'm so glad you decided to stop by!  I believe that we can create our best lives no matter what circumstances we are in right now.  Our thoughts create our experiences and so if we change our thoughts to positive loving ideas about ourselves, our environment, and our encounters, our experiences will change right along with them.

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